The Science of Eyebrows

Some eyebrows are not symmetrical, or even. They can be too thick, too thin, too long, or too short. All of which call attention away from the features we want to enhance. Everyone is different, so what looks good on one person, may not look good on another. There are many things to take into consideration when designing a brow. Face shape, eye set, hair texture, and gender, to name a few. It is just as important for men as it is for women to have well-designed eyebrows.

By having a specialist analyze and execute the proper corrections, you will have the confidence of knowing you will always look your best.

We will give you a complimentary consultation and personal evaluation to find the best shape for your individual style.

The expertise of the technician is key in achieving optimal results of eyebrow design. Advanced training and experience, along with proper technique and tools, are necessary elements to creating beautiful eyebrows.

Whether it is an eyebrow enhancement or a complete eyebrow design, with Permanent Hair Removal you can have beautiful eyebrows everyday.


Cheryl has advanced training and years of experience with Thermolysis. Understanding growth cycles of hair and pre-treatment preparation are key elements for permanent results. She maintains strict sanitation and sterilization of instruments and environment. Cheryl also gives each patient her complete attention during the treatment session. I myself have had permanent hair removal with Thermolysis along with many of my staff and patients. Martha Gonzalez, M.D., M.P.H.