Finding Cheryl and having Thermolysis done on my face is, without a doubt, the best gift I have ever given myself. So many years of tweezing, reaching up to my chin and feeling “whiskers” and constantly wondering if I might have missed some hairs were always a problem for me.
Thermolysis is so much less painful than electrolysis and the results are permanent. I consider it the “Gold Standard” for hair removal. Hair free skin gives me such freedom. The result is that I feel more feminine and self-confident. What a blessing.
Thank you, Cheryl and Irene.
Judy Cash
Camarillo, CA


Cheryl has advanced training and years of experience with Thermolysis. Understanding growth cycles of hair and pre-treatment preparation are key elements for permanent results. She maintains strict sanitation and sterilization of instruments and environment. Cheryl also gives each patient her complete attention during the treatment session. I myself have had permanent hair removal with Thermolysis along with many of my staff and patients. Martha Gonzalez, M.D., M.P.H.